The IS&S Digital Air Data Computer  was developed as an avionics upgrade for numerous military and civil aircraft. It is a direct form, fit, and functional replacement for Central Air Data Computers.

The Digital Air Data Computer (DADC) is a self-sensing RVSM compliant instrument. It processes pressure, temperature, altitude, airspeed, and flight control data to compute air data products provided to interfacing equipment in analog, digital, and discrete signal formats. The DADC outputs airspeed, altitude, flight control, and temperature data to support the operations of Altimeters, Mach Airspeed Indicators, Autopilot Controllers, and other interfacing instrumentation and control equipment. It uses pitot-static pressure, total temperature, angle of attack, baro correction, and target altitude input data to compute the air data provided by its output signals. The DADC performs data checking and fault detection/status indication functions to ensure only valid data is provided to the equipment it supports. The DADC provides up to 32 SSEC curves. Reprogrammability is provided through an RS232 interface on a front mounted connector.

DADC Models:

A-10 CADC (P/N 9B-81073-1)

F-5 DADC (P/N 9B-81116-1)

C-130 DADC (P/N 9B-81050-3)

T-38 DADC (P/N 9B-81090-X)

For sales inquiries please contact Larry Riddle at 610-646-0340 or